HOW TO CREATE 30 DAYS OF MARKETING CONTENT IN LESS THAN TWO HOURS. how to batch content. easy way to create content.

Batching content makes the content creation process so easy. Developing a strategic content plan that aligns with your business goals, target audience, and brand voice will ensure that you stay consistent when marketing your business.

What is Content Batching?

Content batching is a strategy of creating content in which you create many pieces of content at once, instead of every time you want to post.

You can batch content for the week or month. I like to be a month ahead when planning and creating my content.

Benefits Of Content Batching

Batching content streamlines the content creation process. By dedicating focused blocks of time to produce multiple pieces of content at once, you’ll be able to create an efficient process.

I don’t know about you, but when I’m in the zone, I’m in THE ZONE. I can’t interrupt my creative flow, so batching content just works so well for me. When I set aside time to do something, I go all in and it helps my creativity flow, resulting in better quality content.

Setting aside dedicated time to batch content will save you time in the long run because you’ll avoid the mental energy drain that comes with switching between tasks.

Batching will give you a backlog of content so you’ll always have something to post. No more scrambling for last minute content ideas or posting for the sake of posting.

How to effectively batch content

Actually use a content planner

If you haven’t gotten my marketing content ideas spreadsheet, you’re missing out. This freebie will help you organize your content ideas and give you more than 30 days of marketing content ideas.

The first time you tailor your content planner to YOU will take the longest, but once you have a personalized planner, you’ll be able to batch your monthly content in less than two hours…from planning to actually creating the content!

The content ideas in that spreadsheet are very general, but still effective. If you want something that’s a bit more in depth, have a look at my marketing content planner, which stores all of your business assets and marketing content in one place.

This planner organizes your content in a way so you’re creating content with a purpose, such as who you are targeting, what you are aiming for, and there are a ton of hooks and CTA ideas.

Create Content Pillars

Aside from your content categories found in the spreadsheet (promote, inspire, educate, entertain, and engage), you want 4-5 content pillars specific to your niche.

For example, if you’re a fitness coach, your content pillars may be nutrition, technique, motivation, etc.

Once you have your core content pillars, create 7-10 subtopics for each pillar. You don’t want these to be too specific because that’ll make it difficult to expand on when creating content. You want these subtopics to be just broad enough that you can create content around them month after month.

The idea is to pick one subtopic every time you post…and BAM, you have an effective content strategy!

Create Canva Templates

Keep your Canva templates simple so you can just plug and play!

The “tweet” templates are very big right now on social media and are very simple to create in bulk!

Simple carousel posts are also trending right now. Write out the text in your notes app on your phone and screenshot…simple as that!

Pick A Post Schedule And Follow It

If you can only commit to posting twice a week, the REALLY COMMIT to posting those two times. Really stick to the schedule.

Post at the same time every time you do post, so your audience gets used to when you’re posting. Check your analytics for the times when your audience is most active, so you can post at that time.

When I was growing my beauty account, I posted at 3pm EST every single day for two years. That’s how I grew to 30K followers and that’s how I realized I was actually providing valuable content.

Consistency Is Key

Having a strategic marketing plan will help you stay consistent. Whether you’re posting twice a week or every single day, planning is essential to batching your content.

💡 Here’s a challenge for you: Create a realistic post schedule and stick with it. Use our 30 days of marketing content spreadsheet to help you plan what days you want to post.

I help female entrepreneurs transform their dreams into online domination through strategic digital marketing. Book a free breakthrough session to see how I can help you massively increase your presence and productivity online. 👇🏻


Building A Strong Foundation For Your Marketing Strategy